This is a digital replica of the paper. Available for download from 5am daily.
The Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper Replica contain all the newspaper content published from Monday to Sunday, with 2 weeks’ worth of editions available at all times.
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Accessing the desktop version is as simple as visiting the Newspaper Replica home page and subscribing.
Yes, your subscription gives you access to both versions simultaneously. Use the desktop version on your main computer, and the iPad version on the go.
Print subscribers who have the Herald home delivered at least 2 days a week get access to the Newspaper Replica included in their package. Visit the Newspaper Replica details and enter your subscription details to set up your access.
Please call our Subscriber Services team on 13 66 66 or email for assistance.
This is usual: You need to click on the article to bring it up in the article viewer. Treat the page view as a graphical index to the stories on that page. To read articles or advertisements, move the mouse over the article, and then click to load the requested item.
Yes for personal use only. There is a new print to scale feature which allows the printing of any article onto a single page as well as the ability to print the full page.
Striclty for personal use only. In any other case where any type of publishing is involved, the text cannot be used without permission.
Not without permission. Please note that not all photos that appear in The Sydney Morning Herald are copyright to Fairfax. Please email with a description of the image and details of the publication date and page number and the Fairfax Photos team can advise further or visit to order the photo directly.
No. All material published is subject to the copyright laws of Australia and cannot be used or sold without the written permission of Fairfax.
Please email with a description of the image and details of the publication date and page number and the Fairfax Photos team can advise further or visit to order the photo directly.
iPad – The SMH for iPad, The Age for iPad, The Age Newspaper, Real Estate
iPhone – SMH, City2Surf, SMH Good Food Guide, SMH Good Café Guide, SMH Good Wine Guide, SMH Good Food Shopping Guide, The Age, MyCareer Jobs, RSVP Dating, Real Estate,